Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jack Chi

The  Jack Chi  is  a  mixed  with  Jack Russell Terrier /Chihuahua mix
they  are  cute  and    thay  are  smaller  then  the  jack  russell  but 
bigger  then  chihuahua   sizes  is  medium  or  small.They  are  sweet,playful,
active side like the Jack.  They  are  loving, friendly, and playful dog  and  they 
are easy  to  please you  and   great family dog  and  they  love to play with other
dogs and cats.They  loves everyone they meet. They make very loyal companions
and  a  littl  bushing  is  all  it picky eaters, but generally are happy to eat what you put out. Care should be taken not to overfeed them as some will eat everything they can and not stop needs  but  some  may  not  need  to  be  brushed and  friendly to strangers.  They  does not like the cold and prefers to stay out of the water  and   they  are  indoors  dogs    and wood be   good  for  agilty  and 
exercise every day.They  love  playing  ball  and  walks  and  they  do  jump  alot
and  is  a  healthy  breed  and  need  look  it  up

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