Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pyrenean Shepherd

hi  Pyrenean Shepherd  and  they are  small  and  height-15.5 to 18.5 inches (male); 15 to 18 inches (female). Smooth: 15.5 to 21 inches (male); 15.5 to 20.5 inches (female  and  the  weight-15 to 35 pounds (male); 15 to 32 female  and  they  are   mint  be  hard  to  find  but  you  can  get  them  from  a  breeder  or  a shelter.They  are  is a small, high-energy, lean and sinewy dog with a vivacious, intelligent, and slightly mischievious expression,Lively, alert, and clever, mischievous, yet biddable, the Pyrenean Shepherd is very loyal and devoted to his master and family and wants to be involved in all family activities. A highly intelligent breed, the Pyrenean Shepherd can learn almost anything and tends to excel at performance events such as herding, obedience, agility, tracking, and even ring sport. 

To perform at the highest levels, Pyr Sheps need a very close working relationship with their owner and a sense that the activity is a shared project. Pyrenean Shepherds have their own style of herding, very different from that of Border Collies. The breed can be somewhat sensitive to correction and does best with an experienced owner and consistent, positive training methods such as clicker training. 
look  up  this  breed

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