hi the Beauceron and they are a large dog and they mint be hard to find so you can some times find them in the shelter and they are a hardind dog that means that they have to have a job or work to do
at all times weight-Up to 110 pounds (male); 80 to 90 (female). Height-25 1/2 to 27 1/2 inches (male); 24 1/2 to 26 3/4 inches (female) and they are Brave, faithful and highly intelligent and they are Fearless, vigilant, and patient,aptitude for obedience training. they are excellent watch dogs and they herd everything in sight unless trained and they Calm, obedient and very loyal. Eager to please his master. Gentle with children if raised with them, though this energetic, large breed can be overwhelming to a small child, even as a puppy (a 3 month old puppy can weigh 40 pounds). He is generally gentle with his own family, but may be aggressive with strangers. Thorough training with a firm master is absolutely necessary. Many are "one-person" dogs, bonding strongly to a single master (not necessarily the master the family intended!), therefore the breed doesn’t take well to changes of handler. Even so, the Beauceron will obey commands from all members of the family if trained to do so. Beaucerons are sociable with dogs they know, but they are highly territorial and will not tolerate an intruder. They generally get along well with cats if they are introduced to them at an early age. This breed should be properly and thoroughly socialized and given lots of attention and exercise. The Beauceron needs a job to do and lots of space to express and use his energy, otherwise he may show you that "laziness is the mother of all vices and please look this breed up
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